Our 2023 Open Show was held on Sunday 02nd April 2023 at Harewood Village Hall, Harewood, Leeds, LS17 9LX. Our Judge was Daniel Rees with Special Award Classes judged by Mary Constable (Mitapip).
Full class results are shown below the Gallery;
A big thank you to our show sponsors
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Daniel Rees
“As with most things in life it is invaluable to gain hands on experience but in judging dogs we all know this must be paramount. So, many thanks to the Officers and my fellow committee members of the Northern Japanese Chin Club for the opportunity to judge the SAC’s at the above show. Thanks must go to Rachel Stirzaker, my steward for the classes, who made sure that everything went smoothly.
I would like to also extend thanks to the exhibitors for a lovely entry, and for the opportunity to judge the dogs on the day.”
Mary Constable {Mitapip)